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Full-Fidelity Interface

A Full-Fidelity Interface is an Interface of 1:1 Channel Resolution between the User/Agent and the System. As long as the interface can connect every possible Input Channel from the user useful for the system and every possible Output Channel of the System useful for the user, it can be considered Full-Fidelity.

Consider the channel resolution of a simple video game controller on the user side of a video Interface Complex. While this interface connects some user channels — in this case relaying commands issued from a set of finger postures — it has a relatively low channel resolution since it can’t relay posture-commands of other body parts, voice signals, facial expressions, etc. Advances in user input interfaces like modern motion- and position-sensing VR gloves and footmats have increase the channels to a high fidelity, but speculation expects a machine-neural interface to be required for a 1:1 channel resolution — a situation where any possible user input can be connected usefully to the system and vice versa.