Take Heed
Written while praying for friends in the Radical Reformation on the morning of Summer solstice 2024.
You who were called to till ground until it was good
Have become lost in the weeds yourselves
Always slaves to the compromise you made
In betrayal of my mission.
Look among you!
Where are the Sons of Issachar?
Has not Zebulun acted as Cain?
This is why you do not understand the time you are in
Why you tarry behind when you should move ahead.
I warned you:
Only a little longer to be ready
With the acts of repentance I require
The final pillar of the old world is now laid to rest
Summer solstice to solstice and the door is closed.
What does it mean to make me Lord?
To have meeting upon meeting till my word
Is like a drop of wine in an ocean of opinions?
I will frustrate your meetings and councils
Till you shut your mouths and move your feet.