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Making Links for Users to Create Posts

To make our site more interactive, we allow certain user types to create their own posts with the complete power of the WordPress Guttenberg Editor.

You can also encourage users in a post, course page, or group to create their own post by publishing a create-post link. Switch your editor block to HTML editing mode and use the following code for the link:

<a href="http://unusualkingdom.com/wp-admin/post-new.php">Create a Post</a>

The UK website allows you to specify a category for the user’s new post by how you format the link. In other words, when the user clicks the post-creation link or button, the post editor will open with a category already selected in the document pane of the editor.

To do this, use code similar to the one above, but with a category “slug” selected:

<a href="http://unusualkingdom.com/wp-admin/post-new.php?cat=slug">Create a Post</a>

Check our site’s Post Category List for a list of categories and their slugs.

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