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[4] The Quad

The Quad is the fourth systems shape of Semantic Ontology Framework (SOF). This Frame illustrates cycles of growth or evolution in complex adaptive systems. In such systems, growth usually goes through four stages, each with their own specific geometry and corresponding sub-purpose. First, the new thing must emerge in the system and make a push towards the Alpha of its own agency. Then it must find balance between its creative tensions in order to grow into stability. Then it has to achieve productivity towards its overall purpose. And finally, it must broadcast products and benefits broadly to support its population and the larger community or ecology.

In the Quad Frame, growth is divided into four zones which proceed clockwise from the top-left to the bottom-right. These zones are divided by four tensions created by the Alpha (α), Set ({ }), Beta (β), and Unit (x) each pulling or pushing in their own direction, but all held together by the gravity of the central Prime (). The emphasis of the growth dynamics is illustrated by the four corners of the Quad. Growth through the Quad proceeds based on four steps:

  1. In the first zone (1) of the Quad — emergence — the Focus1 emerges from the proceeding system or system state and gains agency, efficacy, or emphasis. This represents a move of emphasis from Unit towards the Alpha. The rules of this zone are governed according to [1] The Prime.
  2. The second zone (2) represents the Focus developing balance or homeostasis within creative tensions in context: in the environment (α and β) and population ({ }). This represents a move in emphasis from Alpha towards the Set or Population. The rules of this zone are governed according to [2] The Dialectic.
  3. The third zone (3) represents the Focus achieving productivity through synthesis.2 The emphasis moves from Set towards Beta. The rules of this zone are governed according to [3] The Trinity.
  4. The fourth zone (4) represents the Focus spreading products as broadly as possible through broadcast to the benefit of the Set and the resolution of the Beta. The emphasis moves from Beta towards Unit. The rules of this zone are governed according to [4] The Quad.

The Four Rules of the Quad

Four rules govern the Quad and should be applied sequentially to the four growth steps when thinking about the growth cycle in systems.

  1. Let a new prime emerge.
  2. Create generative space through balancing tensions.
  3. Create productive stability by focusing on fruit-shaped innovation and products.
  4. Broadcast fruit and its benefits as broadly as possible.

[4] The Four Rules is an adaptation of these rules for human systems, based on the The Hacker Ethic.

The Quad in Context

The Quad’s 3D context is the Euclidean Grid. The proceeding shape, [3] The Trinity, showed that motion in a system evolves through three zones emphasizing Source, Cycle, and Drive. The Prime — the central purpose and organizing principle of the system — can be thought to run through the center of these three progressive zones. The Quad is set perpendicular to [3] The Trinity expressed in this way, with the Prime line running exactly through the center of the frame. Since the Quad’s growth is cyclical and The Trinity’s development is linear, these two shapes combine to form a spiral motion of evolution in a system. This spiral “spins up” and then “spins down” in terms of rates of change and consumption of resources to produce a “Vescia Picis” or “football shape” in 3D. This is represented by the spiraling green (Source), red (Cycle), and blue (Drive) lines in the Quad, representing 12 complete zones in the life cycle of a system: 3 Quad cycles in Iteration.

Derivatives & Examples

[4] The Quad

The Quad is the fourth systems shape of Semantic Ontology Framework (SOF). This Frame illustrates…

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The Quad first was created for the ebook Squared and the conference talk “Vision Can Do Anything” by Ben Cheek in 2012 when he was part of the GoAheadLaunch start-up consultancy. During the research and writing for the book, a strong correlation was discovered between the four rules of The Hacker Ethic as condensed by Chris Castiglione from the earlier 1984 book Hackers by Steve Levy3 and the ethical teachings and demonstrations of Jesus.

Further reflection on these rules and the basic shape of their intent led to the realization that the rules could be adapted to the growth cycle of almost any complex adaptive system. For this realization The Four Rules of the Quad grew to be the fourth systems shape of the SOF framework, explaining how the spin-up of work and spin-down of productivity should be handled in human-managed systems.

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References & Notes

  1. In SOF, the Focus is whatever the active agent is in a system according to a certain Frame. This can shift from Frame to Frame as the emphasis of the Frame shifts. In the case of [4] The Quad the Focus is whatever is growing or evolving.
  2. Synthesis is the resolution or fruit of the Dialectic.
  3. Steve Levy’s book contains 6 tenents of a “hacker ethic”.