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[7] Epistemology

Epistemology describes a typical and ideal process by which people evaluate and incorporate truth using the [7] The Mandorla system shape of the Semantic Ontology Framework (SOF) for Complex Adaptive Systems.


1 philalethia | Prime

2 testimony | [2] The Dialectic

Testimony is inherently a dialectic: a conversation between two parties — one speaking about an experience and the other receiving that information. We evaluate testimony by synthesis — when we see ourselves in someone else’s testimony, and we desire to join that story ourselves.

3 incorporation | [3] The Trinity

diversity threshold: belief

4 community of praxis | [4] The Square

5 knowledge mastery | [5] The Star

crux: other-accessibility

6 innovation | [6] The Matrix

7 culture change | [7] The Mandorla


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