[ A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T U W


ELEVATION is an acrostic framework for describing the Disciple-Making process through the metaphor of “a map” and “journey”. The framework uses the metaphor of a journey between a guide (Disciple-Maker) and adventurer (disciple) through a mountainous wild-lands environment, over an alpine ridge, and into new country. This symbolizes transversing the three regions (zones) of the spiritual journey and navigating the nine “landmarks” of steps along the way.

The Three Regions

The map of ELEVATION can be divided into three “regions”, each with three landmarks, making memorization easier. In the metaphor, the travelers progress from easy, yet community and confidence building trails of The Lowlands, through the first transition of the river gorge and into the up-country of The Ascent. Here, they learn the skills and teamwork they’ll need for the climb towards the summit. Once they reach the summit The Frontier opens up to them: a new unexplored country where they will establish a path for those who will follow.

Ağrı Mountain from Iğdır plain
E. L. E.

The Lowlands

Space to explore and adjust to life in the outdoors before things get serious.

Growing in Jesus: Lordship
Identity: Seeker
Experience: Belong

The Ascent

Rougher terrain that challenges you and makes you grow as you approach the big range.

Growing in Jesus: Likeness
Identity: Servant
Experience: Become

The Frontier

The summit opening into a wide new country where there’s space to forge new paths and new ways.

Growing in Jesus: Life-on-Life
Identity: Heir
Experience: Believe

The Nine Landmarks

The nine landmarks correspond to the letters of ELEVATION. Each landmark represents recognizable attributes of a stage in the spiritual journey and skills, concepts, and behaviors useful for that stage.



People meet up at the trail head, swap stories, build trust, and agree to walk the path together, the guide in the lead.

Landmark: LM1: Mercy

The DM makes space within their life, heart, and world for seekers and truly meets and sees them in light of the Oneness and All-ness of God.


Lay of the Land

The travelers reach a vantage point where they can see the terrain ahead of them – the highs and the lows – and talk about where they want to go and what challenges lie ahead.

Landmark: LM2: Story

The seeker and DM connect in their lived stories, recognizing and holding in balance the tension between aspiration and situation.


Enter the Path

The adventurers find a path with the help of the guide. The guide helps the adventurers begin to read the signs of both the trail (revelation) and the woods (implication) and they find their way forward through the terrain.

Landmark: LM3: Revelation

The DM supports the seeker as they encounter the reality of Jesus and his Kingdom in scripture, relationships, and the world around them.


Valley of Decision

The travelers arrive in a river gorge valley and have to take the plunge to cross over to the other side. The crossing is a life and death experience and the adventurers begin to learn how to fight for survival in the wilderness.

Landmark: T1: Baptism & Warfare

The seeker commits to discipleship, with support of the DM, by identifying with the Oneness and All-ness of God and entering into Jesus’ life, Kingdom, and mission.


Aclimation Camp

The guide begins to teach the adventures the skills of thriving in the back-country. Whatever the challenge, seeing how the system works and building simple portable solutions is the key. The adventures are becoming family as they make real progress towards the big range.

Landmark: LM4: Growing

The disciple and DM train to support inward and outward growth using Jesus’ organic strategies for health, sustainability, and fruitfulness in all relationships and systems.


Teams and Technique

With the support of the guide, the adventures gel into a fine-tuned team, each learning their role and how to work together. The skills come in handy as they begin to tackle the foothills and first mountains of the big range.

Landmark: LM5: Flow

The disciple develops with DM their gifting, calling, and style and works to establish and refine Kingdom flows and practices that grow the manifestation of Jesus in community and advance the mission.


Inversion Summit

The big ascent is here. The travelers reach the summit, but its not at all what they expect. Everything seems upside down and they have to learn that the only way they can win this fight with the mountain is being willing to loose it all.

Landmark: T2: The Cross

Jesus extends his Kingdom deeper and wider in the disciple’s life by the power of death and resurrection requiring a transition from self-growth to other-growth. The DM transitions to “walking alongside” instead of ahead.


On to Wilderness

The summit is behind them and the travelers are changed. Ahead of them is a far and wide uncharted land. Time to make new maps and blaze new trails for those who will soon follow the path.

Landmark: LM6: Mission

The disciple and DM discern and map out and execute the disciple’s position in mission, the systems where they will manifest Jesus’ Kingdom, and the discipleship pathways they will establish.


New Adventures

As the travelers create new paths into the new land, they create opportunities for new adventures for those who are arriving in the new land. Just as they started with stories in a parking lot, they invite others to the Entrance to their own journey.

Landmark: LM7: Message

The disciple and DM create Kingdom experiences that will invite others to begin or deepen their own discipleship journey with Jesus and broadcast these experiences for the common good.