Explorers Theme
The Explorers Theme is the 2024-2025 school year theme for Mágoulo’s School for the Spiritually Gifted. Themes are year-long meta narratives that tie projects and learning together. In this case, MagSchool moved to Camp Deerpark where they are beginning a new adventure serving in an existing organization (definitely new territory for us). So we adopted the narrative of explorers from the Age of Exploration. This helps us access a sense of the do’s and dont’s of exploration (do learn from the locals and organize your thoughts like Darwin, don’t disrespect, discount, and dehumanize like many of the Conquistadors).
Projects connected to the theme are Codex entries tagged Explorers24-25 and Theme-related Forum posts are also tagged Explorers24-25. Learning not related to a specific theme is tagged “Off-Theme” in the Forum.

2024-2025 Theme
Mapping ~ Surveying ~ Path making ~ Outposts
Medicine Men and Materialists Mash-up
Medicine Men and Materialists Mash-up (4Ms) is a project in the Explorers Theme of Mágoulo’s School for the Spiritually Gifted. The title plays on the struggle between Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) — some equate with traditional and faith healers sometimes called “Medicine Men” — and Conventional Western Medicine (CWM) based on Scientific Reductionist Materialism (Materialists). This project is a “Mash-up” because it intends to study both viewpoints and produce a practical synthesis of the strengths of both. Big Question: How do you find your strategies for health with so much contradictory information and clashing underlying philosophies? This…
Mythos Project
Mythos Project is a project in the Explorers Theme of Mágoulo’s School for the Spiritually Gifted. Big Question: What are our stories saying to us and about us? How can we find power to use story to connect to others and live our own story? Myths, whether modern or ancient, are a facet of Culture, and culture is one of the Four Fields1 of Anthropology. Anthropology effects what we know about cultures and how we think about them which is important in a world where…
Time Map
Time Map is a project of the Explorers Theme for Mágoulo’s School for the Spiritually Gifted. The focus of this project is to build a high level understanding of when events fit in overall History. This project is in the CHES subject area. This project accomplishes this by tagging posts on the Forum that relate to historical events and time periods with Era tags and period/century/decade tags. Prehistory / Stone Age 3.3 Million BC to 4000s BC From the first use of stone tools until the invention of writing systems and recording history. Tags: Paleolithic | Mesolithic |…
Native Sports
Native Sports is a project in the Explorers Theme for Mágoulo’s School for the Spiritually Gifted. Camp Deerpark has several sports available to guests which MagSchool members don’t play so we should learn to play them to better host guests and friends. Up to this point, we haven’t been a “sports family”, but repetition and practice can transform this. This project is in the PA subject area. Forum Posts Forum posts for this project use the NS tag.
Beginners Loop
Beginners Loop is a project in the Explorers Theme for Mágoulo’s School for the Spiritually Gifted. This project focuses on teaching the principles of spiritual, social, and physical Pathmaking while developing a low-elevation change, low-obstacle 1-mile beginner-level mountain biking trail loop for Camp Deerpark (with possible branch trails for skill development). This project uses the PA (STEM, HWE) subject areas. Forum Posts This project uses the BL tag on the Forums.
Discussions tagged with 'BL'
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The Wood Trade
The Wood Trade is a project with sub-projects in the Explorers Theme for Mágoulo’s School for the Spiritually Gifted. The parent project is exploring the economics of Sustainable Forestry as a Land Management technique for the Camp Deerpark non-profit. Camp Deerpark owns over 300 acres of woodland and would like to explore developing sustainable income from this asset in a way to promotes local ecology and local economy — stewardship that’s good for the environment and people. One of the key issues with Sustainability is the low return on Extraction-Commodity Activities. Value-Added activities provide more value for the…
What Comes First?
What Comes First? (the chicken or the egg) is a project in the Explorers Theme of Mágoulo’s School for the Spiritually Gifted. The project aims to create a brooding area, chicken run, and mobile chicken coop to raise chickens, get eggs, make compost, and regenerate soil. HWE (CHES, STEM) Related Discussions The project uses the WCF tag.
Discussions tagged with 'WCF'
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The Master SiteMap
The Master SiteMap is a project in the Explorers Theme in Mágoulo’s School for the Spiritually Gifted. The Project involves using digital and real-world mapping techniques to survey the Camp Deerpark property and create a comprehensive set of maps that can be used for Land Management and site planning. This project work significantly in the CHES and STEM subject areas (with some LA and EA). Related Discussions Discussions on this project use the MSM tag.
Discussions tagged with 'MSM'
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Elijah’s Highway
Elijah’s Highway is a project in the Explorers Theme in Mágoulo’s School for the Spiritually Gifted. The Project involves planning and building a system of ATV- and tractor-accessible woods roads that reach all points on the Camp Deerpark property and are erosion resistant. This project is strong in STEM and LA, PA subject matter. Sub-Projects Shalom to Blow-Down: The woods road that leaves Southwest of the Shalom fire circle and heads over a culvert soon reaches an intersection. The woods road to the left presents a good route for ATVs and tractors to reach the back of the…
Building New City
Building New City is a project in the Explorers Theme in Mágoulo’s School for the Spiritually Gifted. The project involves using Minecraft as a platform for thinking about the experience of exploration and developing civilization, the issues that may arise, and how to self-manage to create solutions. The project explorers the CHES and LA (STEM, EA) subject areas. The project is session-based. A session is comprised of: Listening to an audiobook chapter of Max Brooks’ Minecraft: The Island: An Official Minecraft Novel Writing a summary of The Island chapter along with the slogan/learning points offered by Max Playing…