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Forum Embedding in Posts, Lessons, and Topics

You can use forums to enhance the interaction with almost any type of content on the UK site.

Using BuddyBoss Forum Shortcodes

You can use a variety of WordPress shortcodes to include forum content and interactions in content. Currently, this requires access to the WordPress backend with an Administrator-level site role. If you don’t have that level of access, please message or email a site Administrator to have them look up the id you’re looking for.

To get the required post ID for $forum_id, $topic_id, $tag_id, and $reply_id as required by certain shortcodes, you will need to log into the WordPress admin, and go into BuddyBoss > Forums and then find the post content you are looking to reference. Hover over the post and then click the ‘Edit’ link. Once the edit page loads you can copy the ID from the URL of the post, eg. /wp-admin/post.php?post=47 where 47 is the ID.


[bbp-forum-index]Display all of your forums.
[bbp-forum-form]Display the ‘Create New Forum’ form.
[bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id]Display a specific forum’s discussions, replacing $forum_id with the forum’s post ID.


[bbp-topic-index]Display the most recent discussions across all your forums.
[bbp-single-view id='popular']Display popular discussions, ordered by number of replies
[bbp-single-view id='no-replies']Display all discussions that have no replies
[bbp-topic-form]Display the ‘New Discussion’ form where you can choose from a dropdown the forum to associate with the discussion.
[bbp-topic-form forum_id=$forum_id]Display the ‘New Discussion’ form for replying to a specific forum, replacing $forum_id with the forum’s post ID.
[bbp-single-topic id=$topic_id]Display a specific discussion, replacing $topic_id with the discussion’s post ID.

Discussion Tags

[bbp-topic-tags]Display a tag cloud of all discussion tags.
[bbp-single-tag id=$tag_id]Display all discussions with a specific tag, replacing $tag_id with the discussion tag’s post ID.


[bbp-single-reply id=$reply_id]Display a specific discussion reply, replacing $reply_id with the reply’s post ID.
[bbp-search]Display the ‘Search Forums’ input.


[bbp-stats]Display the forum statistics.

From: https://www.buddyboss.com/resources/docs/components/forums/forum-shortcodes/