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Holonic means composed of or referring to on holons — part-wholes — a conception of the universe in which everything can simultaneously be thought of as a whole, a whole made of smaller parts, and a part of larger whole. This relates strongly to the idea of The Prime and the [1] The Prime frame — the first systems shape of the Semantic Ontology Framework.


This idea can be expressed in several different ways:

Something is always single, always a set, and always part of a set

Everything on every level is a unit and a unity. A thing is itself a unit, a unity of units, and a unit of another unity that is a unit.

All things are a whole, a whole made of smaller parts, and a part of larger whole.


Arthur Koestler coined the term holon in his book The Ghost in the Machine (1967), one of the earliest examples of cybernetic or quantum thinking in fiction and also an example of the Universe Value System.

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