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How: The Disciple-Making Process

How: The Disciple-Making Process answers the fifth question of Disciple-Making – how is it done? – using a map-like framework to describe the steps on the discipleship journey. From a systems perspective, this “map” describes the over-all Content and Workflow of the process as the journey between a series of “landmarks” (LM). This allows the process to evolve in a Natural Evolutionary Spiral (both cyclical and linear ) of intentional progress or a non-linear or non-sequential, incidental way, if necessary.

Map and Landmarks

The process of Disciple-Making can be thought of as having three basic zones of activity — three “map regions” to follow the metaphor. Fundamentally, these zones represent emphasis on three types of motion in any dynamic system: Source-Cycle-Drive. These three zones can be illustrated by any one of the following frameworks depending on the user’s perspective:

Metaphor: The ELEVATION framework describes the disciple-making process using the symbols of a “map”, “a journey”, and recognizable “landmarks”. In this allegorical representation the three zones are The Lowlands, The Up-country, and Into the Wilds

Growing in Jesus: The three major zones of the Disciple-Making Process represent changes in the emphasis of one’s relationship to Jesus along the lines of the [3] Lordship-Likeness-Life-on-Life (3Ls) framework.

Identity: These three zones can also be thought of in terms of how a disciple’s identity changes using the [3] Seeker-Servant-Heir (SSH) framework.

Experience: The experiences and relationship shared between the disciple, disciple-maker, and any involved community can be thought of as progressing through three zones: [3] Belong-Become-Believe (3Bs)

[Map Sozi]

Zone 1: The Lowlands | Lordship / Seeker / Belong

LM1: Mercy | Entrance
The DM makes space within their life, heart, and world for seekers and truly meets and sees them in light of the Oneness and All-ness of God.

LM2: Story | Lay of the Land
The seeker and DM connect in their lived stories, recognizing and holding in balance the tension between aspiration and situation.

LM3: Revelation | Enter the Path
The DM supports the seeker as they encounter the reality of Jesus and his Kingdom in scripture, relationships, and the world around them.

Zone 2: The Up-country | Likeness / Servant / Become

T1: Baptism & Warfare | Valley of Decision
The seeker commits to discipleship, with support of the DM, by identifying with the Oneness and All-ness of God and entering into Jesus’ life, Kingdom, and mission.

LM4: Growing | Arts of the Back-country
The disciple and DM train to support inward and outward growth using Jesus’ organic strategies for health, sustainability, and fruitfulness in all relationships and systems.

LM5: Flow | Teams and Technique
The disciple develops with DM their gifting, calling, and style and works to establish and refine Kingdom flows and practices that grow the manifestation of Jesus in community and advance the mission.

Zone 3: Into The Wilds | Life-on-Life / Heir / Believe

T2: The Cross | Inversion Summit
Jesus extends his Kingdom deeper and wider in the disciple’s life by the power of death and resurrection requiring a transition from self-growth to other-growth. The DM transitions to “walking alongside” instead of ahead.

LM6: Mission | On to Wilderness
The disciple and DM discern and map out and execute the disciple’s position in mission, the systems where they will manifest Jesus’ Kingdom, and the discipleship pathways they will establish.

LM7: Message | New Adventures
The disciple and DM create Kingdom experiences that will invite others to begin or deepen their own discipleship journey with Jesus and broadcast these experiences for the common good.


Systems-level Framework

The overall process is based on the [7] Discipleship framework using [7] The Matrix system shape of SOF.

Each Landmark uses [4] The Quad as the framework of its evolution.

  1. Emergence: What does this landmark look like? In the life of the disciple? In the activity of the disciple-maker?
  2. Balance: What are the tensions/challenges of this landmark?
  3. Productivity: How should we be equipped (concepts, skills, behaviors) for this landmark?
  4. Broadcast: How will we apply what we’ve learned to this landmark and beyond?

[4] The Four Rules should be in effect both when designing and executing these steps of the process.

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