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Navigating “Ontario Peninsula”

Navigating “Ontario Peninsula” is a Systematics Commentary of the poem Ontario Peninsula. The title of the poem reference the Theology of Place as the anchor of the underlying prayer.

A Northstar showing the way to great powers,
Not bright single glory, but from constellation.
Stars upon stars: burning hearts, bodies shining.
Who among them forever? The Morning Star!
Mages far-gathering, come bearing treasures,
Not gifts of men, but from the Father of Lights.

Northstar – what God is doing in Leamington is a navigation beacon to others. Positioned north of the US, it is especially a path mark for the Radical Reformation in the States. For those who will see this guide point, it offers the way to great powers. This has intentional double meaning. First, anyone who is willing to see it will find a path to great powers in the Gospel. Second, it is a testament to “great powers” among men — leaders and authorities — of the Way of Jesus building people and, thus, society.

Not bright single glory, but from constellation refers to the movement not featuring any one person, idea, organization, or method, but a “constellation” displaying the energy and gravity of God’s presence and work: the two central aspects of true Prime.

Stars upon stars — besides describing the extent of the constellation — speaks to the [5] The Star, especially as it applies to [5] The Equipping Gifts and many other systems flows. The “radial” Pentagram Tiling of [5] The Star is “stars upon stars” with flows of stars of ascending scale in-flowing and expanding towards the Domains, and flows of stars of descending scale in-flowing and concentrating towards the Intermediaries — which are “gates” in the cross-flow. In human-managed systems, these are held and equipped by the 5 equipping gifts.

One of the critical flows that can be managed by the 5 equipping gifts is [5] Heart Flows. When infused by love and Spirit-power this creates burning hearts which create human bodies shining with God’s glory reveal in his manifest Son, but also bodies shining of the church manifesting Christ’s fullness.

The Morning Star, of course, refers to Jesus named as such in Revelation 22:16. There he says, “I am the root and descendant of David, the bright morning star.” This, along with forever, eludes to past, present, and future nature of our Lord and Savior. All this has been a major theme lately as reflected in The Radical Now where “roots” and “wings” attached to the person in the now is used as a metaphor for experiencing the Eternal Father in the intimacy of his immediate presence — the One who connects us to what has been but opens up what will be to us.

Mages — a not-so-humble reference to our visit, though hopefully the first of many more wise than we who will come to bring a spiritual contribution to the work unfolding on the Peninsula. Not gifts of men, but from the Father of Lights is from James 1:17 which contrasts testing with the gifts from above which are a testament to God’s unchanging faithfulness towards us — not the least of which is the Word of Truth that transforms us into the firstfruits of the coming redemption of creation. The word “firstfruits” makes the connection between the Gospel, the gifts of God, and the multiplicative reality of all who are transformed — not just into Gospel movements, but also creation-redeeming movements.

Guardians and wardens of portal to promise,
Received in Three Fires, First People for refuge.
“Food on the water”, and water that’s living,
Bread-body broken feeds souls and heals world.
Doors thrown open, heed now this welcome:
Joel’s feast of promise well-laden prepared.

This stanza shifts from the movement to the context by Theology of Place. The NYC region (from which the “mages” come) is tied closely to the Great Lakes region through the Seven Fires Prophecy given to the Anishinaabe people over 400 years beginning in the 1200s. The first three “fires” guided the Anishinaabe to leave the East Coast of what is now the USA to avoid extinction due to the calamity soon to unfold from arrival of the “light-skinned people”. This is Received in Three Fires, First People for refuge — especially noteworthy is the roll of the Ontario Peninsula as the likely “Third Stopping Place” predicted in the Second Fire. Here, the people would loose their way — some becoming fully lost in terms of their identity and spirituality (those heading South through present day Detriot). A girl was predicted who would show the people the way again. She did arrive and in a dream saw “stepping stones” that directed the people towards a chain of islands that would lead to the promised land where the people would find Food on the water which is wild rice.

This may indicate a particular anointing related to place in the Feminine Aspect (self-receptive, other-assertive) which can reveal God’s steps or process towards provision, refuge, and thriving towards those who are lost in terms of both way and identity.

Guardians and wardens of portal to promise points the movement to their role in this place, but promise should be seen as two-fold: the covenant God made through prophecy with the First Nations in the land and the Covenant sealed in Jesus’ blood for all humanity which opens up the new spiritual city and country whose Founder is God (Hebrews 11:8-16). What is true to the land and it’s destiny is true of the spiritually of people in their destiny. The dream of the girl on the Peninsula is parallel to the promise of Joel 2:18-32 in which God promises his people provision and restoration from the scourge of the invasives of Imperator. The full restoration will come from intergenerational dreaming — like this girl who points the way to the refuge for the First People to be preserved until the young who desire to light the tenuous Eighth Fire will seek the elders there. The path of the movement is welcoming people into the love feast of communion with Jesus and his peace, the hope of radically reforming the unwise brother of the West so the Rainbow People of spirit and flesh can be manifest: water that’s living, Bread-body broken feeds souls and heals world. Doors thrown open, heed now this welcome.

Zebulon, a house seeking his brothers,
Issachar, worker, time-warden is welcome.
Time-masters now harken to heed One’s calling:
Quiver clutch filling, release now for Father,
Arrows far-falling, Kingdom interstatial,
Seed broadly planted will come back again.

Zebulon, a house is the name of the sixth son of Jacob and Leah, tenth brother the progenitors of the Twelve Tribes, and a play on the idea of “haven” in Jacob’s Blessing (Genesis 49:13). From the blessing comes the tradition that Zebulon will be merchants and thus have an anointing for trade and business. In the case of Leamington, businessmen and entrepreneurs have made a house seeking brothers (the full humanity of the Twelve Tribes), both materially and spiritually through their service to their city and desire to disciple the generations. It is notable that Zebulon, whose name means something like “honor”, is given glory for risking their lives in the campaign of Barak in Judges 5:18.

Issachar, worker again connects to the blessing of Jacob which names his fifth son with Leah, ninth in order of the Twelve, as a donkey that, when he sees the pleasantness of the land is willing to submit to hard labor (Genesis 49:14-15). Time-warden alludes to the famous Sons of Issachar who knew the times and could interpret them to action (1 Chronicles 12:32). This together is a hope and prayer: that those on the Peninsula would not fall prey to the same error as referenced in the poem Take Heed where Zebulon acts as Cain: the suppression or murder of the willing worker and timely vision by the maintainable tyranny of the pressures of business and administrative demands. I take as evidence that this is hope is well-founded, this invitation in the full lives of responsible men after the closing of the season of Take Heed.

Time-masters now harken to heed One’s calling is my challenge to those with responsibility to discern times: the steps and stages in processes and the cycles of the Lord. These should listen very closely to the calling of the One of Israel, referencing the Shema which encourages whole-being obedience (Deuteronomy 6:4). While the capital “O” one naturally refers to Yehovah, grammatically it could be any proper “one” or particular person. This hides a second meaning for the time-masters to pay special attention in the context of the Lord’s calling to each particular person’s calling and destiny.

Quiver clutch filling uses the picture of Psalm 127:3-5 to describe the familial in gathering and rearing of spiritual children on the Peninsula. However, arrows are not useful if they remain in the quiver: they must release now for Father. He will shoot arrows far-falling, spreading the children of the Peninsula far and wide both geographically and into layers of humanity, thus producing a Kingdom interstatial – one that fills all things, even the minute creaks and crevices down to microscopic level like the Leaven in the Lumps (Matthew 13:33).

Even though this call of releasing and send is raised, the Peninsula will not be bereft in the process. Instead, seed broadly planted will come back again, mirroring the advice of Solomon in Ecclesiastes 11:1-4 who councils to spread one’s resources widely to hedge against disaster rather than waiting for perfect conditions that never materialize.


3.11.25: Felt led to name it after the geographical feature “Ontario Peninsula”, which was confirmed as the second stanza emerged around a Theology of Place.

3.12.25: Morning prayers and reading accounts of the Seven Fires Prophecy lead me revise the second line, second stanza to “Three Fires” instead of “Third Fire” to more accurately capture the Anishinaabe migration from what is now East Coast US to the Great Lakes Region. The Ontario Peninsula was likely the location of the “Third Resting Place” of the Second Fire, where a girl was predicted to set the people, who had lost their way, back on the path. This happened when a girl had a dream of stepping stones to the new land which moved the people forward. This led me to realize new connections to the Seven Fires and Joel: specifically the intergenerational element of both and the restoration, protection, and sustenance themes of both.