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New City

New City is a region on the E-land SparkQuest STF minecraft map hosted on the SparkQuest STF Server for the Shelter the Flame gameplay in Minecraft. It contains the world spawn (Welcome Fountain) and is the first place new players will explore in the story.

The city is a Protected Map Region (new_city by WorldGuard) that prevents mob-spawning, prohibits PvP fighting and killing, and restricts block-breaking and building. Players may purchase, lease, or rent portions of the region thus creating a sub-region of which they are the owner (and have full WorldGuard permissions) like a building lot, farm lot, house, or apartment.

New City Society

New residents of New City should take the Welcome to New City course for a quick orientation to the city. The city is governed by the People’s Council of the Republic of New City under the authoritarian capitalist system (similar to modern-day China). The New City Rules outline what players are “officially” allow to do and not do in the city.

Important Places

New City has several places that have been developed for important parts of gameplay.

Crack Coal Mine
Benson Farm


New City Region Map

This satellite map of New City shows block-level detail of the major features of the region with labeled landmarks.

New City PMR Boundary (Approximate)

New City’s PMR is highlighted in red.

Legacy Maps

E-land railroads map shows the major stops on the rail lines built for transport. This map was produced by the original map builders. Some features were never built such as Albus, Vegas, and Forum. This map was used as a naming reference for our first official maps.

Metro of New City map is another legacy map produced by the original builders. This can be used as reference for identifying areas of the center city.

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