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Professor Mágoulo

Professor Mágoulo (pronouced: Mah-goo-low) (b. 1977 – [d. 2056 ?]), born Bezalel Rodrigo Mágoulo, is a character in the SparkQuest Universe. Mágoulo is the inventor of Mágoulo’s Matrix, the founder of Mágoulo’s School for the Spiritually Gifted, and one of the founders of Star City.


Sometime in the year 2056, Mágoulo left Star City and disappeared. After several extensive yet fruitless searches, it is assumed that he died soon after his disappearance.


Avatar: Professor Mágoulo is one of the in-game avatars of author and game master Ben Cheek. The events of Mágoulo’s life are semi-autobiographical, though extensive creative liberties are taken in creating new fictious events in the telling the story of historical events.

Name: mágoulo (or more properly μάγουλο) is the Greek word for “cheek”, the last name of author Benjamin Cheek, and, of course, his family members who contributed heavily to developing the SparkQuest stories. Although Ben doesn’t have Greek ancestry, as far as he knows, he was searching for a avatar/alias that would be appropriate for the interactive elements of the story and found μάγουλο while researching “cheek” in different languages.

Name: Rodrigo means “famous ruler” and is a nod to SparkQuest creator Ben Cheek’s mother’s maiden name: Roy – which means “king” in French.