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Protected Map Region

A Protected Map Region (PMR) is an area on a Minecraft map that is protected in some way, usually through the use of the WorldGaurd server plugin. An example of this is the New City region of the E-land SparkQuest STF map. Such regions allow sys ops to create numerous protections like disallowing mob spawning, PvP fighting, and lightning strikes.

E-land STF PMRs

The E-land STF map contains PMRs original to the game and story. In addition, server policy allows the creation of new PMRs in certain cases.

Existing PMRs

New City

Requirements for A New E-Land PMR.

New PMRs are relatively hard to get to prevent (1) unnecessary complexity to map, (2) increased sys op tasks, and (3) increased server load. Players wishing to have a new region established must meet one of the following requirements:

  1. Must pay $100 (New City dollar) per block for an area of a minimum size of 10,000 blocks.
  2. Must have a committed community of at least 15 players who have built in the same area and desire protection in order to form a town, city, or settlement.
  3. Must have the demonstrated popular support of the entire player community and unanimous support of the sys ops.

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