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Regressive Alliance

Regressive Alliance happens when two (or more?) iterations of a System along a Evolution Chain that are related in polarity find a common alignment that makes the more complex System(s) abandon some aspect of it’s own Alpha-drive, thus degrading it’s effectiveness meeting its Beta-demand and thus having a disintegrating and deaccelerating influence on its Prime.

Example: In Emergent Value Systems, the value systems or worldview paradigms are arranged according to a “more individualistic” and “more communal” polarity. [7] A Value System, when it meets a crisis, may seek an alliance (or feel forced into it) with a system of less complexity but similar polarity. This alliance will require the more complex system to abandon or de-emphasize certain aspects of its Project (α) making it less effective at meeting its Environmental Challenge (β). This will undermine the Meta-narrative ([1], ⊙) of the system leading to deceleration, disintegration, and perhaps collapse in the system. This will often accelerate people towards the Exit Revolution (Ω, [8]) where they will enter the next system.

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