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Semantic Ontology Framework

The Semantic Ontology Framework (SOF) is a way of thinking about and notation for Complex Adaptive Systems as serves as the basis for UK Systematics. It provides a model concerning how systems can be designed, developed, understood, and managed. The Framework consists of seven basic systems shapes, with additional advanced shapes, all of which describe dynamics and elements helpful to Systems Thinking and Quantum Thinking and could be considered an application of the discipline of cybernetics in its fundamental meaning.1 SOF can also serve as a framework of contextualization to adapt ideas and systems to the Systems VS and Universe VS worldviews of the Emergent Value Systems framework.

The Seven Shapes

The seven systems shapes and their diagrams (called Frames) are evolutionary by design: each shape incorporating and building on the elements of the last. While this illustrates complex systems as an emerging and adapting entity, it also makes teaching systems thinking easier since the learner can begin with simpler ideas and then move into the more complex as familiarity and mastery is achieved.

The origin and center of every system is its purpose.

The fundamental tension that opens up space of evolution.

The three types of motion that govern systems dynamics.

The four phases of growth that create sustainability.

The five roles that connect the five basic domains for productive flow.

The internal and external landscapes to be mapped and navigated.

The complete map for a sustainable and adaptive system.

About SOF

SOF is a fusion of two big ideas about the connection of meaning and being:

semantics: (from Ancient Greek: σημαντικός sēmantikós, “significant”) is the study of reference, meaning, or truth. The term can be used to refer to subfields of several distinct disciplines, including philosophy, linguistics and computer science.2

ontology: (New Latin from compound Greek ὄντος, ontos, ‘being’ or ‘that which is’ and -logia -λογία, ‘logical discourse’) is the branch of philosophy that studies concepts such as existence, being, becoming, and reality. It includes the questions of how entities are grouped into basic categories and which of these entities exist on the most fundamental level. Ontology is sometimes referred to as the science of being and belongs to the major branch of philosophy known as metaphysics.3

“Semantic ontology” is a recognized discipline in the field of computing theory, especially concerning machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), and cybernetics. The discipline attempts to use semantics to better understand what users mean, and ontologies to structure data and representations based on that meaning.4 SOF, on the other hand, attempts to use similar ideas in human-readable processes to increase people’s empowerment according to the [3] The Three Powers.

Resources and Collaboration

Resources and Courses Using SOF

[Coming Soon]

Discussion Forum

Community development of SOF is done on the dedicated Semantic Ontology Framework forum.

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SOF was developed by adapting an “organic” systems approach to Gospel Movements (i.e. “simple church planting”) to models for organizational change and project management in the consulting work of MuddyHudson LLC and GoAheadLaunch LLC, largely through the work of Kurt Linder, Joe Schlosser, and Ben Cheek.

The core of SOF was developed around the seventh [7] The Matrix shape as a way of contextualizing the Gospel allegorically to all systems in all contexts. This is done through a systems-allegorical reading of the life and ministry of Jesus and his Apostles represented in the [7] The Way of Jesus and the derivative Frame [7] Emergent Leadership.

References & Notes

  1. Cybernetics is, in laymen’s terms, the science of getting systems to talk cross-disciple by treating all systems as interactive feedback-loops. While the popular definition has to do with applying this to technology and bio-tech, the original discipline was merely a pillar of Systems Thinking. See “Cybernetics” Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cybernetics
  2. “Semantics” Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantics Accessed 2/6/2022.
  3. “Ontology” Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ontology Accessed 2/6/2022.
  4. See: Semantic Arts Admin “Semantic Ontology: The Basics” semantic arts, April 8, 2019. https://www.semanticarts.com/semantic-ontology-the-basics/ Accessed 2/6/2022.