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SOF / MM Frame Versioning Semantics

UK advocates using a modified version of SemVer (Semantic Versioning) for creating file names and program/software versions for original creations and adaptations by our community.

In File Titling and Content

File Names

File names, especially those that publish Frames, should use the following file name format:

[frame shape #]-[frame_title]-[major style/version].[revision].[YYYYMMDD date].ext

Example: 7-mandorla_base-3.0.20200901.svg

The rationale for this type of file name is:

  1. [frame shape #] — The shape number proceeding all other elements allows most file directory systems to automatically group frames of similar basic shape together.
  2. [frame_title] — The frame title then will be the next element used in file ordering and will be organized alphabetically in most file systems.
  3. [major style/version] — The version number primarily indicates major changes in styling and design of the frames and represents “compatible” sets of frames.
  4. [revision] — The revision number indicates more minor changes is styling and design that does not “break” compatibility within a set of frames of the same version.
  5. [YYYYMMDD date] — The date of the file revision allows very minor edits, like change element labels in a file while maintaining a historical picture of the evolution of frames. Since old files with different dates would not be over-written, there would also be protection in case a frame needed to be reverted to a former version. The date format is in ISO 8601 in order to be the most machine-readable.

List of Versions

VerRevDescriptionHost Site
0Beta version. The first frames where published on MuddyHudson.com and were developed in that organizational consulting and project management consultancy. Version numbers were not included at this point in file names or file contents.muddyhudson.com
1Initial standardization of SOF / Matrix framework with simple black / blue styling. Still no versioning was used in file names or published in content.threethreads.org
20Standardization of SOF / Matrix framework with more complex “shades of gray” styling and hyperlinked elements in the SVG file versions. threethreads.org
30Migration of SOF / Matrix framework in the “shades of gray” styling to UnusualKingdom.com. More advanced titling scheme with navigational elements added.UnusualKingdom.com

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