Time Map
Time Map is a project of the Explorers Theme for Mágoulo’s School for the Spiritually Gifted. The focus of this project is to build a high level understanding of when events fit in overall History. This project is in the CHES subject area.
This project accomplishes this by tagging posts on the Forum that relate to historical events and time periods with Era tags and period/century/decade tags.
Prehistory / Stone Age
3.3 Million BC to 4000s BC
From the first use of stone tools until the invention of writing systems and recording history. Tags: Paleolithic | Mesolithic | Neolithic
Bronze Age
3000s BC to 1300s BC
Beginning of metallurgy, large cities, first empires, and writing systems. Tags: Third Millennium BC | Second Millennium BC | 1900s BC | 1800s BC | 1700s BC |1600s BC | 1500s BC | 1400s BC | 1300s BC
Iron Age
1200s BC to 900s BC
Iron metallurgy, expansion of culture and empires. Tags: 1200s BC | 1100s BC | 1000s BC| 900s BC
Classic Period
800s BC to 500s AD
From the rise of the Greek Empire to the Fall of the Roman Empire. Tags: 800s BC | 700s BC | 600s BC | 500s BC | 400s BC | 300s BC | 200s BC | 100s BC | First Century | 100s | 200s | 300s | 400s | 500s
Middle Ages
600s AD – 1400s AD
From the Fall of Rome through the Renaissance until the Age of Discovery. The Dark Ages, Black Plague, Crusades, Medieval Feudalism, Vikings and More. Tags: 600s | 700s | 800s | 900s | 1000s | 1100s | 1200s | 1300s | 1400s
Age of Discovery / Age of Merchants
1500s to 1750s
Discovery of the New World and routes to Asia, to Foundations of Modern Science, Age of Reason, European Colonialism, Printing Press, Protestant Reformation. Tags: 1500s | 1600s | 1710s | 1720s | 1730s | 1740s | 1750s
Age of Revolutions / Industrial Revolution
1760s to 1860s
Revolutions birthing Republics, USA, Factories, Urban Middle Class. US Civil War. Tags: 1760s | 1770s | 1780s | 1790s | 1800s | 1810s | 1820s | 1830s | 1840s | 1850s | 1860s
The Gilded Age
1870s to 1880s
From the Reconstruction to the Progressive Era. Steam Power, Robber Barons, Unions and Strike Breakers. Migrant Waves. Tags: 1870s | 1880s
The Progressive Era
From the rise of Progressive politics to WWI and the Roaring Twenties. Radio. Jazz Music. Tags: 1890s | 1900s | 1910s | 1920s
The Dirty Thirties
The Dust Bowl, Great Depression and world-wide economic and social crisis building up to WWII. Movies. Big Band. Tags: 1930s
WWII and Rise of Super Powers
WWII, decolonization, and the beginning of the Cold War between nuclear Super Powers.
Rise of the Consumer Age
Baby Boomers, rise of personal-credit and Consumer Materialism, Synthetics, Second Red Scare, Korean War. TV. Rock-n-Roll, Bee-Bop. Transition from Modern Era towards Post-modernism.
The Counter-cultural Revolution
Cuban Missile Crisis, The Space Race, Hippies, The Civil Rights Revolution, Sexual Revolution, Vietnam War, Protest Rock, and continued spread of rise of Youth Culture.
The Me Decade
NATO vs Warsaw Pact, The Oil Crisis, Proxy Wars and Revolutions, War on Drugs, Urban Blight. Classic Rock, Disco, Funk, and Hip-Hop.
Decade of Greed
Free markets, Reaganomics, Yuppies, AIDS, Global Warming, Personal Computing. Glam Rock, Punk Rock, Hard Rock, Metal. Tag: 1980s
American Hegemony
Fall of Soviet Union, First Gulf War, Rise of GenX, Alt culture, and The Dot-Com Bubble. Grunge, Alt-Rock, Gangsta Rap. Tag: 1990s
Age of the Internet
Y2K, 9/11, The Second Gulf War, Great Recession, Rise of Silicon Valley. Tag: 2000s
The Rise of Social Media
iPhone, Streaming, and Social media redefines media-scape, Occupy & the Arab Spring. Tag: 2010s
2020s / Present
The Trans Revolution
The Triple-Crisis (COVID + BLM + 2020 Election), the rise of AI, up to present day. Tag: 2020s