UK helps inspired Change Agents find and build tow types of communities: Communities of Practice (PraxComs) and Missional Communities (MisComs). PraxComs bring practitioners together to learn, grow, and collaborate on skill building, projects, and resources. MisComs bring people together around mutual care and common mission.
Communities of Practice (PraxComs)
DualHarvest is a community of growers and consumers working to create sustainable, resilient, localized alternative food systems by nurturing people, communities, and the natural systems that sustain us. We dream…
Mágoulo’s School for the Spiritually Gifted
Welcome to MagSchool a homeschooling PraxCom for doing family life together in a way that causes everyone to grow and impacts the world for the better. The Start City School…
Missional Communities (MisComs)
Awakened Village
A Community of Change There is a seat at our table for the misfits, searchers,…