
DualHarvest is a community of growers and consumers working to create sustainable, resilient, localized alternative food systems by nurturing people, communities, and the natural systems that sustain us. We dream of a future where urban, suburban, and rural people can grow and share good food, grown in ways the honor good work and good stewardship, all for the holistic thriving of humans and creation.

DualHarvest is named for its dual initiative:

A Harvest of Souls

We believe in the cultivation of people as precious and productive creatures who need and deserve deep soul-level nurture. We want to create a movement of growers who are growing deeply and growing others.

A Harvest of Soils

We believe in the identification and reclamation of places to grow in every locality: city, suburb, and countryside. But just like people and plants, good soil is grown through creativity and careful stewardship.

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