Facial Expressions for Your Characters

When it comes to making characters that can energize and engage your audience, the most important thing is show the emotion of the story. While there a lot of ways to do this by designing scenes and situations, the main way is more direct: by showing feelings on the faces of your characters.

To help you with this process, I wanted to gather some charts of difference facial expressions from different genres that might be helpful as you work on your projects.


A curated collection of anime facial expressions on the Anime channel of the Amino community.


Darkspeeds on Deviant Art released this “Buddy Sheet” for facial expressions in comics.


The blocky nature of MC makes facial expressions tough but artist BanansBlocks can give us a couple of ideas.


This is a pretty good Pinterest collection of Disney-style characters and their facial expressions.


Marvel characters are a little more realistic in style. Here’s a Pinterest with plenty of facial expressions.


More experienced artists may wish to try their hand at this advanced tutorial based on facial anatomy.

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