Creating An Evaluation Star for Team-Building
Talking to @Dunamis yesterday I realized something: we were processing a “confession time” in our Awakened Village PraxCom. I was saying that the intimacy that’s important isn’t necessarily the confession of sin (though it could be), but rather the confession of need or longing for the presence, capacity, and function of the other gifts (thinking about [5] The Equipping Gifts). We need to grow into having regular conversations and making practical requests based on seeing how we need each other and how we want each other.
I’d like to create an evaluation tool to do this. Prereq would be knowing [5] The Equipping Gifts framework. You would get a star with areas to rate yourself. You would pass evals to teammates and they would rate which would become a composite score by average. You would compare the difference between self and team rating and discuss as a team resulting in better self-understanding and an action plan of how your going to better use the relational assets of your team.
This discussion was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by
This discussion was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by
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