Male and Female, He Made Them

Forums Awakened Village Male and Female, He Made Them

  • Male and Female, He Made Them

    Posted by profmag on March 27, 2025 at 11:50 am

    I’ve been working heavily on the idea of male and female essence. Part of this for me is homework Alissa gave me related to my Mom and processing her death (and the death of my Grandma). Also, as I’ve been processing the turmoil in many marriages through the lens of my own marriage, Suzy and I have been doing work understanding what it means to be a man and woman together.

    As I’ve contemplate male and female, I’ve had two primary inspirations:

    1. Scripture: I’ve been thinking lately about “The two shall become one flesh” (Gen 2:15-25, Mt 19:5-6, Mk 10:8, 1 Cor 6:16, Eph 2:15 (metaphorically relates to ->), 5:21-31) which seems to relate to the second Power/Imparative of Humanity “Be fruitful and multiply” (Gen 1:26-28). After all, while one-flesh refers to sex for certain, it’s greatest fulfillment is actually the child which is one flesh made genetically out of the two.

    2. Biology: Particularly the neurology of sex as articulated in the Brain Sex book and TV series of the 1990s and the sexual meaning of physiology and human growth and development.

    The big conclusion I’ve reached: both males and females are assertive and receptive (breaking with some stereotypes), but males are assertive of the self aspect (x) and receptive of the other aspect ({}), while females are assertive of the other and receptive to the self. A couple of days ago, I drew out my first real conclusions in a Frame using two iterations of the Present Prime: a Frame I called “Dating” (attached).

    Dating, of course, happens in the context of two selves (x). As these merge, a marriage forms, aligning two people’s Alpha and Beta (you wants become my wants, and your problems become my problems), and each “x” arrives in the other’s “{}” (family, people, population, etc.).

    Yesterday, I spent time working on [X] Azazel’s Device: The current assignment against males and female essence. This articulates how the idea of male and female is being shifted as the Trans Revolution gains steam. This device shifts the N-S “pole” of the Present Prime in both sexes from the Intercessional to the Incarnational and destroys the Orthogonality of the quads, leading to extreme effects.

    • This discussion was modified 3 days, 6 hours ago by  profmag.
    profmag replied 3 days, 6 hours ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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