What Freedom is For | 7.2.23 Discussion Notes

Forums Awakened Village What Freedom is For | 7.2.23 Discussion Notes

  • What Freedom is For | 7.2.23 Discussion Notes

    Posted by profmag on July 2, 2023 at 4:00 pm

    Two reasons I picked this topic: the obvious connection to the holiday and there have been a fair number of calls to define our core values, and I thought this a good place to start.

    Since this is a discussion about core values, I purpose a new rule for our conversation time: everyone present must speak. [I can explain why if that is needed.]

    Our culture is in a conflict over freedom. Both sides are focused on using the powers of media, education, and government to define what freedoms should or should not be available. What they are not doing is having a conversation about what freedom means and what it is for.

    (This is universal in human conflict. We spend huge energy fighting each other about what a thing defines without defining the thing together in the first place.)

    So let’s start by working on a definition of freedom.

    What is freedom? [Try to get to the most fundamental]

    What is freedom for? (Why is it important? What does it do? What happens when their is no freedom?)

    Creative Tension: synthesis is possible from the dialectic conversation between alpha and beta pairs.

    Gen 2:16-17 (NIV)

    Most basically (personally):

    alpha: what I want

    beta: what is good for everyone

    In community/organizations:

    alpha: strategy — the drive towards actualization

    beta: culture — constraints that define and protect the group

    Tension can reveal purpose

    Romans 8:1-9

    Gal 5:1-15

    What is freedom for? (refine/recap)

    What could be our core value of freedom? (This will define on our community projects)

    • Sunday atmosphere/spiritual community
    • community projects (like a intentional community/farm)
    • education
    profmag replied 1 year, 7 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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