History of Japan Deep-dive

Forums Mágoulo’s School for the Spiritually Gifted MCHS History of Japan Deep-dive

  • History of Japan Deep-dive

    Posted by profmag on January 23, 2024 at 12:57 pm

    I found two resources on the Voice of the Past YT channel that I’d like us to use to build an example of how we can extract insights from history to create our own structure to SysInno martial arts. Here’s two videos I’d like us to watch today and two different activities.

    The Entire History of Ancient Japan – watch and create a timeline of the events described using UK’s timeline tools.

    Mediocre Samurai Describes Real Life – watch and place Musui’s life on your timeline and answer the following questions in reply to this post:

    1. What were the formal and informal learning pathways in the life of Musui? What taught him to be a samurai?
    2. What social and economic realities effected Musui’s pathway?
    3. If you could enter Musui’s story with unlimited power (time machine, etc), what intervention would have made a difference?

    We’re going to use your work today in two ways: 1) to refine our process of using history to discover patterns in martial arts, and 2) to begin to form our philosophy of how a martial arts pathway should look.

    profmag replied 8 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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