Kickoff Recap

  • Posted by profmag on January 23, 2024 at 1:30 pm

    On our 1PM call, we’re going to recap the kickoff. The presentation went over very well and the participants had tons of energy discussing the issue and brainstorming solutions.

    The brainstorming pages are attached as photos here. We also captured some video, but we’ll have to create a Dropbox or way to share to get this to you.

    Two next steps were decided for next week (that we need to now prepare):

    1. We’ll create a recording studio activity where participants will narrate some form of the hearts presentation to memify it for social media.
    2. We’ll create family challenges to use for recruiting family members and friends to the campaign.
    profmag replied 8 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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