Mapping Camp

  • Mapping Camp

    Posted by profmag on September 19, 2024 at 4:13 am

    As part of our Explorers Theme, we want to build a map set for Camp. We’ll start by adding a couple of familiar things to our map.

    Level 3

    1. Install QGIS from the Download page. The install will differ based on their operating system, but the instructions are pretty self-explanatory.
    2. Download Extract the file in your working directory. It contains several necessary files that must all be in the same directory.
    3. Launch QGIS and select Project > Open. Navigate to your working directory where you extracted the zip file and select CDP_map.gqz.
    4. Export the Strava route as a .gpx file and import it into QGIS.

    Level 1 & 2

    Print this PDF map of the Camp borders. Have learners add:

    • 154 Brandt (Our House)
    • The Maintenance Building
    • The New Woods Road
    profmag replied 22 hours, 43 minutes ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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