The Challenge with Challenges

  • The Challenge with Challenges

    Posted by profmag on January 23, 2024 at 1:21 pm

    As we drafted our trial offering — and even before that, when we outlined our presentation — we included “challenges”: the changes we’re going to ask people to make in the screen-usage over a certain period of time.

    This requires us to define the “change” we want to see. “Define” literally means to set the limit (vs describe which means lit. to write/sketch out). When you design your trail offering you start to set your niche — the limits of the space or position you’re going to take in the market: we offer this, but we’re not in the business of that.

    The limits of your niche are always formed by the tension between value and cost: both for you and for your client:

    • For you: what value can we provide and practically support? What value can we reliably deliver without disappointing and ruining our reputation with users?
    • For the user/client: does this give me the value I want at a cost I want to pay?

    In a campaign like ours, the product (value) is a type of change, and the cost is largely the cost of making that change. Right now, on our team we have different ideas about what the limits of that value/cost should be, so we need to have a defining conversation about our niche.

    Especially important:

    1. What’s the allowable uses of screen time (just work and learning, or does it include recreation and entertainment)?
    2. What’s the cost of (1.) to participants who already have significant value online (loss of friends, loss of identity, loss of expression) and how will we support to lower the cost?
    profmag replied 8 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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