Transitioning from Research to Design

Forums Mágoulo’s School for the Spiritually Gifted MCHS Transitioning from Research to Design

  • Transitioning from Research to Design

    Posted by profmag on January 26, 2024 at 1:28 pm

    I think we should transition from research to design in our project now. What do you think? Typically, when you have some sense of the problems of your project, you want to move quickly into design and testing by doing, otherwise there’s no context. So, while we might come back to research at some point, I think we’ve come into contact with enough problems, so we should move towards design.

    Here are my top-level design objectives:

    • Create a system/experience for discover of mission/purpose.
    • Create a training system in Do/Way
    • Create a training system in Kata/Technique on three levels: grappling, sword play, and weapons training.

    These will, of course, require lots of sub-steps.

    I think as we design we should be keeping our WHY — our reason for doing this — in full view. That maps directly to our first objective above. But it’s good for us, as a team, to be very aware of how each of us are personalizing that first objective.

    When you guys did personal mission statements, I didn’t articulate mine. My personal mission for the last 14 years has been something like this:

    To create a multi-generational experience of the household of God.

    I felt like I got this mission directly from God. My first question was: what does that look like?

    I got two answers: first God showed me that “household” was an economic reality, not just a relational reality. That means that in order to experience the household of God, people must participate with him in the creation of value for human thriving (how I define economics).

    Second, God showed my it would look like Hogwarts: young people with spiritual potential recruited to train in spiritual gifts and practices because of a looming danger they will have to face directly (not in the future), with the support of a staff also committed to the fight.

    So for me, this project is about gaining that experience for myself and providing it to others. Helping Dante create his program is an economic project that will introduce people into the Household, but our participation is a Hogwarts.

    How does this project connect to your personal mission?

    • This discussion was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by  profmag.
    etcetera replied 7 months, 3 weeks ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • etcetera

    January 26, 2024 at 4:18 pm

    This project connects to my mission through the idea of duty, to execute this you will need many different skills, and each skill you acquire will be something else I know, gathering knowledge and experience is never a waste. Martial arts have uses from exercise that you can practice yourself to something you can employ in a pinch.

  • etcetera

    January 26, 2024 at 7:09 pm

    For sword Kata, I’m going to go to Inkscape to aid my descriptions with diagrams.

    For a training system in the Do/Way we need to define and refine what our Do/Way will be, but in my opinion, training the Do/Way as we train the Kata would be the best way to go about it, teach them why they learn as they learn.

  • etcetera

    January 26, 2024 at 8:10 pm

    Here is the diagram I made to make and record Kata, on it any position can be described with just six words, and most movements with not many more. It works with a simple coordinate system, one for your hands and another for the direction your sword is pointing, for example, a hanging guard would be as such: Hands High Right, facing Middle Right Middle. But if you wanted to go from hanging guard to fool’s guard you would do as such: move from High Right, facing Middle Right Middle to Low Right, Switch to one hand and face Ankle.

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