Values For All Activities and Projects

Forums Mágoulo’s School for the Spiritually Gifted Values For All Activities and Projects

  • Values For All Activities and Projects

    Posted by profmag on September 1, 2024 at 4:55 pm

    The most effective efforts in Capacity Building — the Prime of Education — will be based on three values that should be emphasized sequentially (I’ll create a [3] The Trifold for them eventually):

    Inquiry-based > Tracked > Connected

    Inquiry-based means driving the process with Eduction and allowing learners to form Questions Before answers.

    Tracked means that the learner and their community are recording the journey of Capacity Building in some way to preserve the both the Content and Context.

    Connected means that all capacity is well connected within and across layers (according to the [5] The Five Domains): Spiritual, Psychological, Physical, Cultural, and Social.

    profmag replied 2 weeks, 4 days ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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