Mágoulo’s School
Mágoulo’s School for the Spiritually Gifted is a youth group gaming and learning community. We use e-s... View more
Warframe: The New War and The Problem with Feedback Loops
Warframe: The New War and The Problem with Feedback Loops
I’ve been thinking about Warframe: The New War and how it relates to something important on the “Threat Map”. Namely, “remoteness” — a technological and relational problem that stems from defeating limitations in a system by distancing or cutting off constraining feedback loops.
Let me explain by way of the game: you pilot a warframe remotely. A warframe is a bio-mechanical ninja drone. While the performance on the battlefield is real, the operator is totally insulated from the consequences of war itself. This has huge correlation to the use of drones or any ranged technology in asymmetrical warfare. The more remote our war-fighting, the less we feel the real cost of war (or sometimes the cost on not following through), and the longer, costlier (total social cost) and less effective our wars become.
At the heart of the problem of remoteness is the breaking of the feedback loop. Feedback loops are natural ways that information flows “backward” in a system to adjust its processes and responses. Feedback loops are essential for systems balance and sustainability. Imagine what would happen to your body if there was nothing no feedback loop to say when your stomach is full or your brain is tired.
Broken feedback loops are responsible for:
- Bullying and trolling online
- Our inability to fight climate change
- The addictiveness of video games
- The isolation most people feel even though they have friends
- Political deadlock in democracies
- The rise in inequality despite our knowledge of what’s causing it
I’m sure we could come up with some more.
While I’m thinking about remoteness and broken feedback loops, in my mind is this passage:
“You will indeed hear but never understand,
and you will indeed see but never perceive.”
For this people’s heart has grown dull,
and with their ears they can barely hear,
and their eyes they have closed,
lest they should see with their eyes
and hear with their ears
and understand with their heart
and turn, and I would heal them.’
[Matthew 13:14-15 quoting Isaiah 6:9-10]This is a passage about spiritual insensitivity as a broken feedback loop.
To build this GAT, we’ll need:
- @BlackoutKnight : We need the following footage: (1) The intro cut scenes with the warframe being loaded with the operator. Maybe we can reset my account or use an alternate email to start a new one. (2) Some of the lore-reveal in The Second Dream missions.
- @BlackoutKnight @etcetera : some cool videos about feedback loops in systems thinking.
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