Lag Near the World Spawn

Forums SparkQuest Spark Crafters Lag Near the World Spawn

  • Lag Near the World Spawn

    Posted by profmag on February 22, 2021 at 5:10 pm

    We’ve had a long-standing issue with lagging near the world spawn in SQ-STF. For some users, its so bad they can hardly look around or move, especially if they move towards the La Grande Arche de la Défense (large square arch building) to the East of the Welcome Fountain.

    At first, we thought it was the command blocks we were using in a chamber under the world spawn to exclude mobs from the city, but switching to WorldGuard didn’t correct the issue (though it seems to have lessened it).

    Currently we’re researching any reason that would cause a localized lag. Here are some additional clues:

    • I seldom encounter the lag on my laptop,
    • I share an Internet connection with the boys and they encounter the lag frequently,
    • Our xbox and my phone also experience the issue.

    This all leads me to believe the issue is client-side related to video card or some kind of rendering.

    Here’s one thread I found on a possible similar issue, though there are no known animals in the region:

    This would hint that maybe there’s a feature built in the area that causes clients on devices with certain configurations to have trouble.


    profmag replied 4 years ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
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