The Village Prototyping

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  • The Village Prototyping

    Posted by profmag on May 11, 2021 at 3:57 am

    Empty/lower existing balance to $300

    • PM: 9,984.52
    • BOK: 36,455.68

    Start Time: 5.10.21 22:10 | Earning Money (up to $1000)

    • Benson’s Farm and Miner Bob both need bulk buys.
    • Check buy prices at CCM since it may allow to quick earnings.

    Time: 23:15 | Balance Check / On To Hardware / BM / Load up

    • BOK: 8,039.62
    • ETC: 10,508.5
    • PM: 4,452.5
    • Hardware needs a compass.
    • Black market needs a real door.

    Time 23:47 | Stopped Play…

    Picking spot (x,y) using Amidst: -8546, 2578

    More next time…


    profmag replied 3 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • profmag

    May 12, 2021 at 3:20 am

    5.11.21 21:50 | Started traveling

    Headed west out of Souk.

    Looking for large in-land sea to skirt the north shore, then head due west.

    Discovered picking up new items is inevitable as you travel. Decided that’s ok, just have to leave with only hot bar.

    Following NC wall West.

    First night, just outside of the wall.

    Found swamp, then river. -1166, 1164, then another short river to red sands

    22:14 BOK died. Waiting for him to rejoin in badlands platue.

    Second/Third night: -1325, 1167

    22:32: BOK rejoins

    22:38 | -2036, 1188 forth night

    22:52 Across badlands reached ocean

    22:57 across ocean in plains, fifth night -3293, 1039

    23:10 working through mountains -3790, 1112

    23:20 in mountains again, sixth night.

  • profmag

    May 12, 2021 at 3:34 am

    After our second night of gameplay on this, we might want to consider shrinking the NC Exclusive Economic zone. We’ve been out six days so far and are only half-way to our destination. I developed the 8,000 block idea on the ideal scenario that a player can travel about 4,000 blocks a day when sprinting. We’re not making anywhere near that time due to the roughness of the terrain and my slowness (plus one death already).

    We’ve had some fun finding our way, but boredom waiting out the night has led us to fending off mob attacks for some excitement. Maybe we should consider setting the zone at 4000 +/- from 0,0? Thoughts?

  • Etcetera

    May 12, 2021 at 4:44 pm

    I think that would be a good idea It’s taking forever to go anywhere.

    • profmag

      May 14, 2021 at 1:44 am

      As per our conversation on 5/13/21, we’re going to set the NC Exclusive Economic Zone at 2500+/- blocks x & y from 0,0. This will mean the village challenge will be to find a spot somewhere around 3000 +/- x & y.

      @blackout found a place on the biome map near -3000, 0 that has both jungle and mountain (for @etcetera ).

  • profmag

    May 13, 2021 at 2:59 am

    5.12.21 21:09 Onward towards the goal…

    Seventh night -5018 1209

    21:47 Pillager Outpost Raided.

    Started moving through the nights to save time. Lots of phantoms.

    22:14 Night moving. PM killed by drowned and phantom.

    My stuff: -6485, 2110

    Noah dead due to fall.

    22:58 Ethan reached goal: -7329, 2050

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