History of Empires
The Dutch East India Company or VOC began sending ships overseas and building the Dutch trade empire, the VOC had government approval to make the Netherlands wealthy by any means necessary. Over the next two hundred-ish years the Dutch would colonize, trade, and build an empire often at gunpoint. The…
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The First Anglo-Dutch War began with raids on Dutch shipping but eventually developed into full-scale fleet actions. When the war ended with the Treaty of Westminster the Dutch were forced to make minor concessions.
The Second Anglo-Dutch War started because of a combination of political differences and trade disputes. It ended with the Treaty of Breda with the English making the concessions this time.
The Third Anglo-Dutch War started because Charles the Second decided he didn’t like the outcome of the last war so it was time for another round. This time while the English got thrashed on the sea the French would be getting trashed on land. Dutch privateers wreaked havoc on English…
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The Franco-Dutch War started in 1672 and ended in 1678 with little gains for the French.
At its height, the Dutch Empire was very powerful and wealthy but many series of wars weakened it and depleted its wealth. Finally, the fourth war with the English finished off the Dutch empire, the Dutch had massive debts and had to print colossal amounts of money to make up…
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The Fourth Anglo-Dutch War was a part of the American Revolution and started over disagreements about the Dutch trading with America during the revolution. However, the Dutch didn’t formally enter into an alliance with the Continental Congress but they did recognize them as a governing body. The war ended in…
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The British Empire rose as the Dutch Empire fell, many Dutch colonies were taken over by the British, and more colonies, especially in Africa were founded. The height of the British Empire was from the Industrial Revolution until The World Wars.
After World War Two the US rose to power and the British Empire fell, however, it didn’t totally collapse with the aid of colonies.
After World War Two the US rose quickly to power, the US had a nearly untouched economy and singular access to nuclear weapons. The US was the main player on the world stage.