Oops! He Fell Into a Black Whole
The other day, Etcetera and I were talking about black holes (again). He was talking about the effects at the event horizon and how something like a Dyson-sphere of mirrors could be used to construct a black hole bomb.

I was talking about how black holes are so dense, they represent a place in the universe where space-time kind of unravels. Later, I ran across a great article that illustrates this point: “The strange fate of a person falling into a black hole” by Amanda Gefter of BBC Earth. Gefter does a great job of clearing up some of the SciFi confusion around what would happen, but the truth she reveals is a bit stranger than the myths she busts.
Read the article and think about the following mind-pounders:
- In the section about the AMPS thought-experiment, Gefter talks about an A, B, and C particle and three laws that can’t all be true at the same time. What are these? What geometry do they represent?
- Harlow and Haden suggest the solution to the problem of the firewall paradox is the fact that Anne’s computer will never have enough time to complete its calculation on which particle is entangled before the black hole evaporates through its Hawkin radiation. This makes me think about the information theory of the universe. What if information complexity approaches infinity at an event horizon like density and curvature do? This leads me to think of this: “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.” Deuteronomy 29:29 ESV. Does information’s behavior at a black hole real the edge of reality, where God waits on the other side?
Feature Image and GIF: “X-ray Echoes Map a ‘Killer’ Black Hole” by Nasa.
the three laws
1.particles can not be entangled twice
2. information can not be lost
3. you should survive (general relativity)
geometry. Davids bow