Protections Against Arbitrary Imprisonment

Rule of law is to say no one person is above the law not the law makers not the law enforcers no one.

Credit for modern rule of law is usually given to A. V. dicey though there were forms of it in Rome, Ancient Greece, and other places.

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Habeas Corpus is to try and prevent or to argue for the release of unlawful or unjust imprisonment how ever the it is a procedural remedy so it may not be put into action it is just a shield from unlawful imprisonment not guarantee for a trial. Originated in England.

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The due process is a way to ensure that the imprisonment of a person is legal and protects their rights it also serves as a guide line for the legal process. Originated in England to stop the kings of England prosecuting anyone they didn’t like.

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The Magna Carta was made because king John thought because he was king he could do absolutely whatever he wanted and if you’re a history guy, you can guess what happened, next the nobles got angry and made John sign the Magna Carta as a set of rules for him follow, used as a base for the US Constitution and a bunch of other stuff if you want to know the whole story click the link.

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Due Process Clause is to prevent the government form arbitrarily sentencing people to death, imprisonment and fines.

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