The History of Disappearing and Internment
People are disappearing in New City. There have been rumors of a “re-education system” that takes people the government suspects of causing trouble or sewing sedition. In fact, they pretty much come right out and say they’re doing this — at least Judi says so when you get your tour upon arrival. Etcetera is working on What Happened to Jerry?, a quest to find someone who has disappeared.
Making people disappear and putting them into internment camps is nothing new. Governments the world over use this to control elements of the population they view as threatening to their power.
Let’s do some research about modern-day and historic examples of disappearing people and placing them in political prisons and internment camps. We’ll use this to develop Jerry’s story and a thread of STF about the politics of authoritarian systems.
Research Ideas?
Small Items: Post in the comments section.
Large Items: Create a post and link to in the comments section.
Suggested Keywords:
internment camps, political prisons, disappearing people, extraordinary rendition, Gulag
Feature Image: From Densho “Japanese American Artists Behind Barbed Wire“: Harry Hiroshi Imamura created several paintings depicting the journey to and life in Manzanar. Decades later, in the 1970s, he returned to painting after selling his truckstop restaurant. This painting shows Japanese Americans arriving in Manzanar: “Journey’s end is Manzanar, attained by the desert-dusty convoy as the long shade of the Sierras reaches across Owens Valley from the west.” Courtesy of the Imamura family and the National Park Service, Manzanar National Historic Site.
internment is horrible and so is rendition
here a guy who was bullyed by his goverment
china is a jerk
The other day at dinner, @blackout pointed out that the Russian Gulag system was probably the mother-of-all disappearing and secret prison systems. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulag