What Happened to Jerry?
Jerry has come up missing. Wonder what happened to him? Seems like something is up and the government of New City may have something to do with it.
Teaching Points
All societies are faced with the paradox of [2] Social Impulse: the desire for individual freedom, but the necessity of social constraints to limit human nature and destructive behavior. Many societies have leaned too far one way or the other. New City is no different.
Social Studies | History, Politics, and Civics:
Proposed Gameplay
- Find Jerry’s apartment read the book you’ll find there.
- go collect the loot and chose whether you wish to continue the story of Jerry
- read the second book
- follow the directions to the internment camp where Jerry is being held (you might not find it the first time) use Jerry’s loot to bye the gear to free Jerry
- once free Jerry will reward you?

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Story Outline
Story outlines use [7] The Seven Questions and [7] The Shape of Stories frames for their structure.
Why | Theme / Plot Potential
Alpha | Imperative
Beta | Situation & Setting
What (Internal) | Characters
What (External) | Challenge
Who | Meetings
How | Events
Crux | Climax
Where | Character Review
To What Extent | Connections
Omega | Moral / Plot Realization
Research Ideas?
Small Items: Post in the comments section.
Large Items: Create a post and link to in the comments section.
Suggested Keywords:
[keyword], [keyword]
Name: “Yew” came from “yew bow”, a bow made of the hard wood of the Yew Tree. Maybe a play on “You” as in “Yew is actually you!”.