Why Do We Dream?

What are dreams and why do we have them? Dreams are nearly universal, but often bizarre. This makes us believe they must serve a purpose, but the weirdness shrouds that purpose in mystery. Since ancient times, people have been trying to make sense of dreams, and there a several current theories on the table:

  1. Dreams may integrate new experiences and incorporate new memories. In other words, they help our brains make connections to real life while it’s offline. Read: What Is Dreaming and What Does It Tell Us about Memory?
  2. Dreams may really be a brain bookmark for our eyes. Read: Why Do We Dream? A New Theory On How It Protects Our Brains.

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Feature Image: The Persistance of Memory (partial) by Salvador Dail (1931): https://uploads6.wikiart.org/images/salvador-dali/the-persistence-of-memory-1931.jpg

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