I’m doing a lot of research right now into being present in parenting, specifically as a way of practicing the Presence of God. My wife and I are really torn up by our lack of Christianity when it comes to parenting. This makes parenting the perfect place to confront my always-future-looking habit of anticipation which is the focus of my current fast. One framework that is helping is Daniel Siegel’s 4 S’s of Showing Up: Safety Parent protects your child from outward harm. The parent tries their best not to be the source of fear or disorientation. Seen Parent sees…<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n<\/div>
I use this framework a lot to talk about all types of relationships: marriage, friendship, spirituality, etc. It can help to clarify what’s happening in a relationship and how to build on one level to reach deeper levels. 1. Law When people have proximity but do not know or trust each other, they relate on the level of law: rules which are formal or informal, but that do not require the revelation of individual interests. 2. Negotiation When people have proximity and begin to know and trust each other, but must represent their own interests, they relate on the level…<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n<\/div>
We’ve been working on a research thread related to “call out” or “cancel culture” as part of what really influenced Robert Kieft to create the New City system. On the Phoenix Rising story stub, we’ve begun to work on Kieft’s back story, including him enlisting in the Democratic Union Army during the Second Civil War to specifically fight the “socially conservative and nationalist\/nativist policies of the GOP”. This Civil War started as “The Cyber War” with “cancel culture” elements engaged in cyber-warfare online to censure what they saw as bigoted content and “mis-information,” leading even to the exclusion of non-Progressives…<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n<\/div>
Ever since the creation of the computer, we’ve been thinking of our brains in terms of memory, retrieval, and processing. Renowned psychologist Robert Epstein points out that this metaphor for how the brain works is not exactly accurate and that it might even be holding brain science back from discovering how we really think. In fact, our brains work so differently than computers, Epstein thinks it’s unlikely direct computer-brain interfaces will be successful, nor will there ever be full-insertion of human consciousness into the Internet to achieve digital immortality. Read The Empty Brain to learn more about the arguments that…<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n<\/div>
Microsoft celebrated Women’s History Month (March) with a feature on how women innovators around the world are using technology to make things better. An ad for this feature showed up over the last few days on my Window’s login screen at work, so I decided to check it out. The stories are pretty inspirational and give me lots of encouragement to keep thinking about the projects we’re working on. Particularly interesting is the story of Letta J. and the COEXIST gaming community in Brooklyn. Check out the feature for yourself and see what stories inspire you. Comment here on the…<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n<\/div>
In the New City story line for SparkQuest, the government is a authoritarian regime that exercises strong censorship and repressive policies. This arose, in my mind, from an collective trauma stemming for the Second American Civil War, sometimes called “The Cyber War”. The war was a conflict first over the territories of the Internet, and then real-world territories, the culminating conflagrations of the current “Culture Wars” between conservatives and progressives in America. After the war, the victorious Democratic National Convention sought to complete its project of repressing all harmful and hurtful “misinformation”. To do this, they enlisted the help of…<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n<\/div>
We’ve been working on Systems Thinking lately (see this post and this one). If found a good not-too-technical explanation put out by the CDC, but it really irritated me that, though the presented the speaker as a SME (Subject Matter Expert), they did not identify him or give any attribution. He could have just been a model-for-hire reading from a script. So I decided to find this guy. I grabbed a quick down-and-dirty screen shot from the video and searched Google for “facial recognition search”. I ended up on PimEyes, a Polish company that sells matches from pictures you upload…<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n<\/div>