Yew’s Zoo
Yew Kingstone is a student in Magoulo’s School (classmate of Stephon). His internship for the year is with the New City Zoological Foundation which runs The Air Zoo, newly built just outside the NC Airport. Yew’s internship dives into the administration of zoos, care of animals, zoological research, conservation of species, and biological research.
Teaching Points
This thread would teach a variety of topics encountered in the field of zookeeping. Really, this thread is about all the opportunities to learn biology and bio-diversity if someone had free reign of a zoo.
Biology and Animal Care:
- Basic biological needs
- Researching animal behavior
- Animal psychology
- Habitats
- Animal communities
Proposed Gameplay
- [gameplay]
Story Outline
Story outlines use [7] The Seven Questions and [7] The Shape of Stories frames for their structure.
Why | Theme / Plot Potential
Alpha | Imperative
Beta | Situation & Setting
What (Internal) | Characters
What (External) | Challenge
Who | Meetings
How | Events
Crux | Climax
Where | Character Review
To What Extent | Connections
Omega | Moral / Plot Realization
Research Ideas?
Small Items: Post in the comments section.
Large Items: Create a post and link to in the comments section.
Suggested Keywords:
[keyword], [keyword]
Name: “Yew” came from “yew bow”, a bow made of the hard wood of the Yew Tree. Maybe a play on “You” as in “Yew is actually you!”.