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Benson Farm

Benson Farm is a place in the New City region of the E-land SparkQuest STF Map. The farm is one of New City’s main sources…


The Beta is the “pull” element exerting negative or receptive energy (entropy) on a system.

Beta Fructus

The Beta Fructus, literally “the beta fruit”, is the system succeeding the current system along a parallel Prime in the Beta Layer the receives much…

Beta Progenitor

The Beta Progenitor is the system immediately proceeding the current system along a parallel Prime in the Beta Layer.

Buckaroo Blows It

Buckaroo Blows It occurs when, for negligent or emotional reasons, a user reveals too much information or acts a way online that compromises their identity,…

Build Stub Types

Build Stub Types are different kinds of building projects in Minecraft for the SparkQuest interactive story and game. The different types indicate what format a…