[ A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U W

The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer is a key prayer and teaching by Jesus of traditional and devotional importance to the Christian faith. Pray like this:“‘Our Father in…

The Lowlands

The Lowlands are the first zone of the metaphorical ELEVATION framework which allegorically describes Discipleship and the Disicple-Making process. [Based on [3] The Four Soils]

The Primacy of Praxis

The Primacy of Praxis is a principle for human systems which states that what we do, more than what we say or think, is what…

The Rekindling

The Rekindling is the fifth and final book in the SparkQuest Universe interactive story and game.

The Spiritual Week

The Spiritual Week is an adaptation of [7] The Seven Spirits Frame to a weekly rhythm of meditation, mindfulness, and education. The Seven Spirits is…

The Storm of Complexity

The Storm of Complexity refers to the compounded complexifying effects of the modern project on all areas of human life and enterprise that reached its…

The Technology Problem

The Technology Problem is a unsustainable systems problem inherent in the Modern-industrial formulations of technology. While any advancement in technology advances one’s Alpha, it also…

The Three Levels

The Three Levels refers to the three levels or zones of self-agency or self-potency in people’s lives: personal, relational, and systemic. This follows closely with…

Topic Title Semantics

When creating a topic on a course, the following semantic formatting should be used: Topic Category | Activity: Topic Title | Action Topic Category —…