
Systematics is the discipline of describing Complex Dynamic Systems by Identifying Connections, Naming Elements and Movements, and Tracking Evolution. Based on Systems Thinking and build on the Semantic Ontology Framework, systematics attempts to develop more robust and practical working models of systems based on real-world experiences. This involves the creation of models that describe the relationships and movement of systems and not just their an understanding of their component parts, since much of the information of systems — necessary for artful creation and sustainable management — emerges from the system functioning as a whole and cannot be understood by static deconstructions.
Identifying Connections
Systems must first be understood by their relationships, rather than by a few key or noticeable components.
This requires learners to be participant-observers in the systems they study. They must develop the ability to see the relationships of a system geometrically.
Naming Elements & Movements
From experience of the system, important elements and movements can be named at a resolution/simplicity helpful for systems mastery.
Learners should create simplified models of systems including both dynamics and parts, and link these to virtualized evolving bodies of knowledge.
Tracking Evolution
Dynamic systems and our understandings of them are naturally evolutionary so our processes of practice, study, and modeling must be iterative and recursive.
Learners never stop learning, so they should always build tools and collaborations to extend their knowledge and its benefits.
A Framework for Systematics
In order to describe and model complex systems, a framework is required that incorporates the modelling of relationships and not just parts or elements. The Semantic Ontology Framework (SOF) aims to do just that. At its root, SOF is a system for thinking about, describing, and modelling systems that illustrates relationships and motion in simplified geometric abstractions. SOF is based on seven “systems shapes” which each build on the other in complexity that describe the dynamics and evolution of systems.