Narration Sound Studio

  • Narration Sound Studio

    Posted by profmag on January 23, 2024 at 6:39 pm
    • Make the hearts into a PPT so that it can story-boarding (print out) — @etcetera
    • Set-up a sound capture system with mics, etc. (get Tom involved as producer/engineer?) — @ProfMag
    • Create a file dump so we can files (DropBox — use website to create an email to signup / DL only, email to upload OR parents as filter — use sourceforge once public?) — @BlackoutKnight
    • To make a “Making of Hearts Presentation” page on this site: inspiration TEDx, our presentation files, links to our software used, etc. — @etcetera
    • Materials for the storyboarding and script writing — @Dunamis
    • Research what apps people use to post to Tik-Tok (Sal: native editor) and FB/Insta/YT shorts from phones. (Output to LUSD offical accounts OR parents accounts.)
    DYS replied 7 months, 4 weeks ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies

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