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[7] A Value System

A Value System names the elements, dynamics, and evolution of a socio-cultural value system in the Emergent Value Systems (EVS) framework according to the [7]…

Describing EVS

[EDITING NEEDED: This page was pasted from legacy context when EVS was called “WvS” and before it significant work on systems dynamics was integrated. Also,…

EVS Essential Guidelines

[EDITING NEEDED: This page was pasted from legacy content when EVS was called “WvS” and before it significant work on systems dynamics was integrated.] There…

EVS Theology

[EDITING NEEDED: This page was pasted from legacy context when EVS was called “WvS” and before it significant work on systems dynamics was integrated.] Worldview…

Systems VS

The Systems Value System (VS) is the seventh value system type in the Emergent Value Systems (EVS) Spectrum. This is the native worldview of the…

The Storm of Complexity

The Storm of Complexity refers to the compounded complexifying effects of the modern project on all areas of human life and enterprise that reached its…

Universe VS

The Universe Value System (VS) is the eighth value system type in the Emergent Value Systems (EVS) Spectrum. Since the value system is currently emerging,…